Welcome to The Note, your weekly music news catch up!
This weeks industry news:
My lack of faith in the paying public is reaffirmed

In what can only be described as 'Emperor's new clothes writ large' Ed Sheehan has dislodged competitors at the top of both the singles and album charts with easily his weakest collection of new material.
And if you think this was the darkest timeline, buckle up.
A$AP ROCKY now has Donald Trump on his side
The US rapper has been held in custody in Sweden for a number of weeks following an accusation of assault. A video of said assault later emerging certainly didn't help manners. But in more important news, the tweet posted below has not had its text doctored in any way:

At, it would seem, is us nai.
And on the sixth day, Adams resurfaced for air and said "Alright listen..."

The man more famous for releasing an entire album of Taylor Swift covers than his own music was accused of psychological and sexual abuse, as well as allegations of sexual interactions with a child. Following this, he disappeared from the public eye, only to reemerge with a lengthy post on both Twitter and Instagram. he also released a snippet of a new song (I swear to god this week is doing a real number on my understanding of reality), which I am not going to provide a link for, for obvious reasons.
Live news:
Aldous Harding to take her AOTY contender performance to Vicar Street
Slipknot will be playing a checking good show this December in Dublin yessir
Loyle Career poised for a return to Dublin